Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tips for Safely Travelling Alone

Travelling alone, if by choice or otherwise, can be rewarding and rejuvenating. Finding yourself in control of your itinerary provides you with a chance to be selfish and enjoy those things that interest you alone. While on your solo adventure, be smart and remain safe with these tips.

Prior to Travelling

Before you decide to book your trip, research your destination and be aware of cultural or local risks. Knowing these destination-specific details can help you avoid potential dangers.

Leave your itinerary having a friend or family member. Include flight numbers, hotel telephone numbers and contact information for any tours or excursions that you simply booked.

Leave a copy of important documents for example passport and drivers license with similar friend or family member, just in case they are lost while you are travelling.

Keep in contact

Whether you do it by email, blog, letter or phone, ensure that you are keeping in touch with friends and family back home, as well as there be an emergency it is vital that you are able to be in contact with all of your important people. It's really a good idea to take a mobile phone along with you on your solo trip, in the event you ever need to call or perhaps be called for help while on your adventure.

Party Safely

You're sure to meet lots of incredible people in your journey, and more than likely you will end up doing your fair share of partying, though if you're travelling alone, be careful. Don’t take random pills that anyone offer you and never leave your drink unattended, as drugging of drinks occur in all corners of the globe. Make sure to bring along contraception as well, while you never know when you might need it.

Watch Your Belongings

Nobody else will be there to watch your belongings for you personally so make sure you always have one eye in your stuff, especially anything that you simply cannot live without. Having your pack stolen can totally derail your vacation, so always lock it away somewhere if you're able to, and otherwise never let it rest unattended.

Get Your Own Room

If you're able to afford it, having your own room may be the best way to be safe wherever you're staying, as at least you'll be the only one in the room. While you will find rarely ever issues of people being attacked at share accommodation, merchandise is frequently stolen, so spend some extra on your own room if you want to help you stay and your stuff as safe as you possibly can.