Friday 12 December 2014

Fun Outdoor Activities For Kids

Some of you will be wrapping up Holidays this weekend, while others are just getting started. Either way, these activities will get you and your kiddos moving and enjoying the great outdoors. Fun activities and outdoor play events for children are happening all over Brighton & Hove during the  holidays.

Outdoor Color Match

Going on a color hunt is a simple activity that can be done on-the-go to help take notice of nature’s subtle color differences that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Sponge Bombs

If you are on water restrictions, or are looking for a mess-free alternative to water balloons that can be used over and over again, try making your own sponge bombs! Dunk them in water, and use for a bucket toss game for plenty water play fun!

Use Outdoor Paint

There are plenty of outdoor paint products that are safe for kids that you can buy at the store, or simply make your own using flour, water, salt and food coloring. Then, allow your kids to use your driveway or patio as their canvas.

Have A Water Balloon Fight

It’s hot in the summer, and kids always want to find a way to beat the heat. Let them cool off and have fun by allowing them to have a water balloon fight. Fill up plenty of balloons and plenty of water guns and allow your children to have a blast while cooling off.

Get To Gardening

Get your kids to help. They like getting messy, so allow them to dig up the area where you’ll be planting. You can also allow your kids to pick out their own flower or plant and give them the responsibility of taking care of it throughout the summer months.

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