Tuesday 9 July 2013

Layout Ideas for Scrapbook Pages

The layouts of scrapbook pages are endless, but you will find guidelines to help you create the best pages possible. Each page ought to be consistent, so decide on a mini theme per page. For instance, family, friends or a specific person. Getting your pictures organized also helps you identify the layout ideas for scrapbook you want.


For holiday pages, decorate using colors and cutouts. For instance, if you're making a page during the day you went to the pumpkin patch, pick one to three pictures. Your background could be a striped paper or a solid color of paper like orange, dark yellow, brown or deep red. Place the pictures you want around the page. One slightly off-center or perhaps a few that are staggered work, too. Put cutouts and stickers of pumpkins around the page.

Large Word
For any picture that exemplifies something, just write the term using stickers or calligraphy. Any creative method to write the word works. Place it slightly off-center, horizontally and vertically. For instance, if you took a vacation to the beach, possess a light blue background using the word "Vacation" on the page. Place a single picture on it from the place where you stayed or even the view from your room. Select a picture that's your vacation the bottom line is. Then add cutouts and small objects like shells, beach chairs, hats, bags, and palms.

Picture Count
Though you wish to fit as many pictures as you possibly can in your scrapbook, if there's an excellent shot, it's OK to dedicate a whole page to that shot. For instance, in a wedding scrapbook, dedicate a webpage each to the bride and groom. Choose shots where each looks best. Possess the word "Bride" and "Groom" above each picture. Do plenty of shapes and shades from the wedding colors on these pages.

Use cutouts, stickers and items which you got from places or events you've visited. For instance, if you go to a concert, place the tickets in the scrapbook. Overlap the image of the concert with the ticket stubs. Use cutouts of instruments and then any other items you may have picked up in the concert.

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